Ingredients -
Sweet Banana : 2 (smashed)
Sugar : Half cup / As per your taste.
Ghee or Butter : 3 Spoon.
Wheat flour : 3 TableSpoon
Maida / All purpose Flour : 3 Table Spoon.
Cardamom Powder : few
A Pinch of Salt
Method -
1.Mix all the above ingredients without any lump.
2.Heat Paniyaram pan with drop of oil in each pit.
3.Fill the mix in each pit and heat it in medium flame.
4.Turn it and heat when sides turn brown.
5.Serve it hot :)
Sweet Banana : 2 (smashed)

Ghee or Butter : 3 Spoon.
Wheat flour : 3 TableSpoon
Maida / All purpose Flour : 3 Table Spoon.
Cardamom Powder : few
A Pinch of Salt
1.Mix all the above ingredients without any lump.
2.Heat Paniyaram pan with drop of oil in each pit.
3.Fill the mix in each pit and heat it in medium flame.
4.Turn it and heat when sides turn brown.
5.Serve it hot :)
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