Coconut milk Rice


Coconut milk - 2 cups.
Basmati rice - 1 cup.
Meal maker / Soya chunks - half cup
Capsicum - 2 (use different color so that appearance will be good)
Onion - 2 (chopped straight)
Green chilli - 2 (slice it straight)
Ginger garlic paste - 1tbspn
Salt as per taste.
Mint & corriander leaves for garnish.
Patta, bay leaf , Cloves 
Sombu/ Aniseed - 1 tspn ( i prefer powdered)


Soak basmati rice before starting all other steps.

Heat pan with 2 tbspn of vegetable oil 

Add patta,bayleaf, cloves (opt) & sombu powder .
Add Green chilli.
Add ginger garlic paste.
Add Chopped Onion & saute for few minutes.
Add Chopped Capsicum .
Add Soaked Rice & Add coconut milk 
Add Salt & mix well.

In a seperate bowl , boil water & put the meal maker in it. 
Switch off it after 2 mins.
Drain the water from meal maker completely by pressing each by your hand.

Add meal maker to the pan we are cooking rice.
Close the pan with lid & wait until rice is done.. it takes merely 10 to 15mins.

I added food color just for looking good .. its optional.. but if you are using it..
take 2 tbspn of milk ,add the color to it..mix it..
pour over the cooked rice spirally .. wait for 2 mins before taking rice from pan.
mix gently before serving..

Garnish the rice with mint leaves & corriander leaves.

Pictorial steps.
